| Wedding Coordinator | Gym Junkie | Love Straight Chairs |

About Amelia
Any kids or pets?
No kids yet (hopefully in the future!!) but I do have a miniature dachshund named Winnie! She is very cute but is definitely on her own agenda and makes her own rules haha!!
What is your favourite place in the world?
I absolutely love where I live, the south coast is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I’m lucky to live here!! I haven’t travelled to many places so I have a very long bucket list including Western Australia, Greece, Morocco, Bali and many many more!
What is the best concert you ever went to?
One of the best concerts I’ve ever been to is Hiltop Hoods in Sydney, however, One Direction back in 2016 is definitely a close 2nd!
Takeaway night…. what’s your go-to fav food?
Oooh, this is a hard one! It really depends on the kind of night, fish and chippies are always good on a hot summer arvo but Thai is super delicious for a movie night inside!
What energises you?
I always feel super energised or hyped up after a really good gym session or after a killer day at work! There’s nothing better than hopping in the car after smashing out an amazing wedding and making everyone involved happy!
Whats your fav way to unwind after a busy day?
I love taking Winnie for a walk on the beach or sitting and watching a bit of Netflix to wind down. I also like to hang out with friends and relax with them.
What can we find you doing on your day off/what is your perfect day?
It’s funny because I love the thought of having a day off but usually when it comes around I never know what to do hahaha!! But if I could have a perfect day it would be spending the day at the beach to keep improving my surfing, going to the gym with no time limit and then hanging out with my friends and family in the arvo!
Any hidden talents or party tricks or something you are good at (eg netball, juggling, beer pong champion, folding washing, baking cakes etc)?
I can’t think of any specific talents but I like to think I go all right in sports, I love netball, touch footy and league tag!
Fav TV Series you are watching (or latest fav movie)?
I could write a mile-long list of all my favourite TV shows and movies but some of the recent ones include Gossip Girl, Brooklyn 99, Stranger Things, Bridgerton and Friends.
Go to coffee or tea?
Definitely coffee, I couldn’t live without it!! A cuppa tea is always nice before bed though.
Cocktail preference?
Salted caramel espresso martinis are delicious but a Margi does go hard!
Your fav thing about coordinating weddings?
I could never pick one thing because coordinating weddings is definitely the best job in the world!!! I’m so glad I get to be part of so many people’s amazing days! One of my favourite feelings is when everyone is overfilled with joy and you can stand back and watch the couple surrounded by the people they love and know that you played a role in making that happen!!
“We just wanted to say Amelia was an absolute dream to work with. She is so competent, professional and an all round coordinator star!”
Kate and James