Real Wedding; Anna and Bronson @ The Oaks Ranch
About You Two;
Now, How did you two meet?
We met in 2012, at a festival. But I had a boyfriend at the time. Fast forward when I was single, he was living with my sister’s boyfriend. So, I would go to his house to hang with my sister and her boyfriend and we would always end up hanging out. He wanted to make a move but knew I had just got out of a crappy relationship. He didn’t want to be a rebound. I had never met a man that made me laugh like he does or one that I could just talk about nothing for hours with and never run out of things to talk about. Bronson is everything I have always wanted in a partner. He makes me laugh, he challenges me, he makes me feel safe. Most of all he makes me feel content in life. Which is something I have never felt.
Who popped the Question and how did it happen?
Bronson popped the question on Mothers Day 2019. He never goes out of his way to make Mother’s day special for me so he totally caught me by surprise. I was getting ready to get mad at him but he made me cry with a beautiful ring he designed himself. He passed the box to our son Maverick who handed it to me and inside, was a note that read ‘Fuck it, you’re in’. It was a bit of an in joke but it made me laugh so much then made me cry when I realised what it was. It was perfect, it was us.
Why did you choose your venue and how was the venue choosing process?
Sooo hard to find somewhere on the south coast. SO expensive for what we wanted. I was looking for about 6 months. Then a friend suggested the Oaks Ranch. Which I thought was quite run down. Little did I know it had been bought and is being transformed into a palace! It is honestly the most amazing place that encompassed everything we wanted our venue to be. The owners were some of the most amazing people we have met too. Just legends.
Quick Fire Questions;
How many wedding guests did you have?
Sit down of Cocktail Style?
Cocktail Style
What month?
Beginning of March
Planning the Wedding;
Was planning the wedding stressful or did you enjoy the journey?
It was stressful but once I had Wed Event Creators on board to help me with the intricacies of the event it made it a lot easier. I didn’t have to source a lot of the things I needed to make the picture in my head come to fruition. You guys just made that happen and it was better than I expected.
How involved were you both in the wedding planning, did one of you take more of the lead on certain aspects than others or were you both equally involved?
I did everything. Bronson just had to show up ha. His favourite answer when having an opinion about anything was ‘Whatever you want’. And if he ever questioned my decision afterwards, I quickly reminded him to shush and that he missed his opportunity to have an opinion.
What was the top couple of non-negotiables or important must-haves at the wedding for you both?
Def Leppard and sunflowers and also a bit of Motley Crue
Tell us about your dress and that dress-finding process?
The movies make it seem so much more of an ‘event’ ha. I had a lot of different styles in my mind of what I wanted. There was no set design that I had in mind. So, Pinterest helped me a lot here. Because of Covid I could only take my Mum and little sister. My bridesmaids didn’t live locally so that was a bummer, but they wouldn’t have been able to come anyway. We walked into Anabel’s Bridal Studio and they are right – when you know you know. My dress was (I think) about the 3rd I tried on. My mum and sister loved it. Most of all it was comfortable. I didn’t make too much of a fuss, it was like ‘boom, that’s it! Next thing on the list’. It was a relief to find the right one and in time to order it.
What sort of theme, vibe or style did you go for?
My teenage vision for my wedding was always sunflowers, lace and daisies. So that was my theme. Bronson wanted a ‘straight to the courthouse’ ‘get it over and one with’ theme. He did not win this debate.
On The Day;
How did you both feel wedding morning?
I was ok, I was calm until it was my turn to get my make up and hair done. Then it felt real. I began to get a little nervous but mostly excited. Bronson was very nervous. He had to give himself 5 minutes alone just before the ceremony.
What was the best part or moment of your day?
I loved our entrance when we kicked the doors open to ‘Kickstart My Heart’ by Motley Crue. I also loved our first dance we weren’t going to do it because we’ve really never danced together like that before. Now I can’t wait for the opportunity to slow dance with him. Bronson loved it when he first saw me walking down the aisle. It was all very overwhelming for him.
Anything you would change about your wedding or anything that didn’t go to plan?
If I could go back I would not have mixed drinks! So many people kept bringing me different drinks and also I probably would have stopped drinking earlier and gone to bed earlier! It was a rough morning the next day ha.
Are there any rituals, sentiments or traditions you incorporated into the day? We did all the traditions except for the tossing of the bouquet and the removal of the garter. We weren’t going to do a first dance because we’d never really danced together up until our wedding day. But I am so glad we did. It was really special, and it felt so natural. I want to slow dance with him more now. Even if it’s only after a few wines in the loungeroom.
After the Wedding;
Describe newlywed life in a couple of words?
Bliss, Adjustment
Best investment or money well spent on the wedding that you made?
The Wedding and Event Creators. Honestly. The best investment!
Budget-over, under or what you estimated?
About what we estimated.