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About Matt
Any kids or pets?
2 kids. Harper 8 & Ted 3
What is your favourite place in the world?
Anywhere with a roller coaster
What is the best concert you ever went to?
The Cat Empire – The Yallah Woolshed
Takeaway night….what’s your go-to fav food?
Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird
What energises you?
Any sort of sport discussion….& coffee.
Whats something you saw recently that made you smile?
The kids playing on their waterpark
Whats your fav way to unwind after a busy day?
A visit to Stoic brewery or reading a good book
What can we find you doing on your day of/what is your perfect day?
Swimming at the beach or river with the family.
Any hidden talents or party tricks or something you are good at?
Playing bass, Basketball & geography facts
Fav TV Series you are watching(or latest fav movie)?
Your most used 2 emojis?
Go to coffee or tea?
Cocktail preference?
Fav sport/activity as a kid
Basketball & Baseball